Interfacing LCD display controller.
Project Name: Interfacing LCD display controller. Objective of Project: Programming the AT89C2051 microcontroller to show the sentence “I LOVE YOU” on 16x2 line LCD display. Circuit Diagram: List of components: SL Name and Description Quantity 1 MCU 89C2051 1 2 LED 2 3 Resistance 1K Ohm 4 4 Capacitors 30pf (10 uf 50Volt(1),100uf 50Volt(1)) 2 5 Crystal Q11.059A1 1 6 Voltage regulator 7805 1 7 Bread board 2 8 Connecting wires 9 Battery 9 Volt 1 10 16*2 LCD display 1 Printout of Program: ; P1.0-P1.7=D0-D7, P3.0=RS, P3.1=R/W, P3.2=E ORG 0 MOV DPTR,#MYCOM C1: CLR A MOVC A,@A+DPTR ACALL COMNWRT ...