
Showing posts from 2018

Interfacing LCD display controller.

Project Name: Interfacing LCD display controller. Objective of Project: Programming the AT89C2051 microcontroller to show the sentence “I LOVE YOU” on 16x2 line LCD display. Circuit Diagram: List of components: SL Name and Description Quantity 1 MCU 89C2051 1 2 LED 2 3 Resistance 1K Ohm 4 4 Capacitors 30pf (10 uf 50Volt(1),100uf 50Volt(1)) 2 5 Crystal Q11.059A1 1 6 Voltage regulator 7805 1 7 Bread board 2 8 Connecting wires 9 Battery 9 Volt 1 10 16*2 LCD display 1 Printout of Program: ; P1.0-P1.7=D0-D7, P3.0=RS, P3.1=R/W, P3.2=E ORG 0 MOV DPTR,#MYCOM C1: CLR A MOVC A,@A+DPTR ACALL COMNWRT         ...

Automatic Water Pump Controller (ON/OFF) using AT89C2051 microcontroller

Project Name: Automatic Water Pump Controller (ON/OFF). Objective of Project: Automatic Water Pump ON/OFF using P3 and P1 of AT89C2051 Microcontroller. Circuit Diagram: List of components: SL Name and Description Quantity 1 MCU 89C2051 1 2 LED 2 3 Resistance 1K Ohm 4 4 Capacitors 30pf (10 uf 50Volt(1),100uf 50Volt(1)) 2 5 Crystal Q11.059A1 1 6 Voltage regulator 7805 1 7 Bread board 2 8 Connecting wires 9 Battery 9 Volt 1 10 Display 3 11 Transistor 3 12 Water - Flow Chart of Program: Printout of Program: Brief Description of Program: We declare the bit P3.0 as Lo and bit P3.1 as Hi. Then we define the code for Pump ON and Display O. And define the code for Pump OFF and Display F. We send FF to P3 to...

3x3 Matrix Keyboard using AT89C2051 microcontroller

Project Name: 3x3 Matrix Keyboard Objective of Project: Showing 0 to 8 on a 7 segment display by using matrix theory connected to P3.0 to P3.5 Circuit Diagram: List of components: SL Name and Description Quantity 1 MCU 89C2051 1 2 7 segment display ( Common Anode ) 1 3 Resistance 1K Ohm 10 4 Capacitors 30pf (10 uf 50Volt(1), 100uf 50Volt(1)) 2 5 Crystal Q11.059A1 1 6 Voltage regulator 7805 1 7 Bread board 1 8 Connecting wires 9 Battery 9 Volt 1 10 Micro Push Type Switch 9 Flow Chart: Program: ORG 00h                 MOV P1, #0FFh                 Starter:      ...